Monday, October 6, 2008

Date Night: THRILLER!!! -

On Saturday October 25th at 7:30 we are going to see "Thriller" at the UofU Kingsbury Hall. If anyone wants to join please do!! We thought it would be fun to do a date night and grab some dinner before hand. Tickets range from $20 & up. I believe we will be going with the cheap seats in section E!! You can get tickets online at Hope to see everyone there!!!


Lindsay Spencer said...

I want to go!!! I'll try to talk Chad into it.

Lindsay Spencer said...

Will you go to my blog and be one of my followers? I'm so not cool. I only have 4 followers. How sad is that? It's on the sidebar. Thanks for helpin' me feel cool!

About us said...

we just bought tickets. we are in!

KCJaques said...

remember how we bought tickets? that was fun huh?