Thursday, June 25, 2009

Movie Mania!

I'm sure no one will find this post at all interesting, however - - - I am bored at work and shall post what I want! This last week has been movie madness for me. I've been to 3, yes count it - - THREE, movies! Its like a record! So I thought I would share my views on them, since I scored and 2 of the 3 were amazing!

Movie #1 - - The Proposal

I loved this movie! It was a great girls night out show :) Full of laughs and even got a little teary eyed! Gals - - get out and see this!

Movie #2 Year One

There were some good laughs. But overall it only gets a so-so from me. Wait for it to come out on Redbox if you really want to see it!

Movie #3 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

AWESOME!!! Chase and I loved it! We decided we must own these movies for life! Everyone needs to see it! Its funny, action, love story.... It is just intense!! SEE IT THIS WEEKEND!


The Ralls said...

hey now... how come I didnt get an invite to the girls night????

About us said...

thanks for the reviews! i want to see the two you thought were good! Yeah for good movies!