The next day Camille and I ditched the boys and went to the outlets. I don't know why they call them outlets, because I swear they are more expensive than department stores. But I'll admit they had some pretty good sales going on! We me up with the hubbies for lunch at Panda Express in the new Redstone development by Kimball Junction. It was a lot of fun. We walked through all the little boutiques and shopped some more. Then Dustin & Natalie showed up.
We had a pretty laid back night. A little scattergories, some scrabble, and best of all CLUE!! We had all forgotten how to play, so it took forever. Natalie ended up winning. We ate at a pizzeria on Main Street and went home to enjoy a soak in the hot tub. It was a great weekend and included some much needed relaxation! We'll do it again soon......
**Nat & Camille snuggling** **Chase being ..... cute**